Before Shipping
If you have placed an order and want to Cancel, The best time is before shipping. Contact us 7338730754 to cancel it. Refund will be issued in 3-7 working days.
After Shipping
You Can refuse to accept the item at the time of Delivery.Contact us 7338730754 For Refund. Refund will be issued in 3-7 working days After receiving parcel back.. We will initiate refund after we get back the product. We will inspect it then refund will be issued. Total amount paid - shipping charges(both ways, we have to bear charges when they send us back too ).
After Accepting The Parcel-
We Offer Return only in case of Manufacturing Defect. You can send the product back, after receiving we will check it thoroughly , if we find its genuine defect we will rectify it and send it back. We Will Bear Sipping charges for both sides.
If Defect can't be rectified we will send similar product(same size, absorbency etc). We Will Bear The shipping.
We make very small quantity of Products at our own manufacturing Unit which undergoes several quality checks before we ship. Rarest of rare chance of any defect.
We dont offer returns/ refunds For Our products because of Hygiene reasons.